Amur Tiger Center helps schoolchildren to become socially responsible

  • 20.11.2014
  • News
Amur Tiger Center helps schoolchildren to become socially responsible

The Amur Tiger Center contributes to educate the younger generation to be socially responsibility and launches a special educational project in cooperation with Moscow public school № 654. Pupils of junior, middle and senior classes will participate in the project.

The tiger conservation requires a comprehensive approach, which includes not only the census, law enforcement and protective measures, fighting poaching, maintaining sustainable nature management, but also educating the population. Therefore, the Center’s project is particularly relevant.

The project will tell about the need to preserve the Amur tiger, as well as what opportunities there are today to "speak out" in defense of the unique subspecies. The project will be attended by students from Moscow general school No. 654 named after A. D. Friedman. This school has been chosen because it is included in the UNESCO Associated Schools. Within the framework of the project readings, open lessons and creative projects will be held with the participation of the pupils.

The first stage of the project includes literary readings of the writer Sergei Georgiev’s book – “Amurchik or Adventures of a Tiger Cub" - for grade schoolers, after which the teachers of the school will hold a series of open lessons for pupils of junior high (grades 5-9) and high school (grades 10-11). The program will end with an unusual contest: students will be asked to create their own project to preserve the Amur tiger population. Participants of the competition will receive memorable prizes, and the most interesting projects and ideas will be taken to further development.

The first lecture is scheduled for November 19, 2014 and will be held for pupils of elementary school. In the future the Center plans to realize a couple of similar projects that will allow young and not indifferent talented pupils not only to offer their ideas for the preservation of the subspecies, but also to have a real impact on the improvement of the situation with the state of the Amur tiger population.

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