About the Amur


The organization created by the Russian Geographical Society on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The Center carries out its activities without budget funding, solely thanks to the sponsorship of organizations and private individuals.


Studying the Amur tiger
Studying the Amur tiger
Conservation and increase of the population
Conservation and increase of the population
Establishing harmonious relationships
Establishing harmonious relationships
The Supervisory Board is the collegiate supreme governing body of the ANO Amur Tiger Center, which determines the main activities of the Center.

Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the Russian Geographical Society (RGS) from among the representatives of the RGS, representatives of state authorities and subjects of the Russian Federation, commercial and non-commercial organizations, and physical persons.

The Supervisory Board amends the charter of the organization, determines the priority areas of activity, the principles for the formation and use of the property of the "Amur Tiger Center", appoints the general director and his deputies, hears reports on issues of activities, approves the financial plan and appoints audits, and also decides to create branches and open representative offices.

Composition of the supervisory board

Chuichenko Konstantin
Chuichenko Konstantin

Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Members of the supervisory board
Chuichenko Konstantin
Chuichenko Konstantin

Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Kirienko Anatoly
Kirienko Anatoly

Deputy Director General, JSC "United Engine Corporation"

Smirnov Alexander
Smirnov Alexander

Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for public relations and communications

Doguzova Zarina
Doguzova Zarina

MGIMO University rectorate adviser, member of the Government Expert Council of Russia

Vinnik Elena
Vinnik Elena
Nekrasov Dmitry
Nekrasov Dmitry
Gizatulin Rinat
Gizatulin Rinat

Deputy General Director JSC URALCHEM

Manukyan Artyom
Manukyan Artyom

Vice President of the RGS, Executive Director, Secretary of the Governing Council


Aramilev Sergey

Director General —Director of the Far Eastern Branch

Aramilev Sergey
Irina Fominyh

Adviser to the Director General for International relations

Irina Fominyh
Karmanov Roman

Advisor to the CEO

Karmanov Roman
Balbenkova Tatiana

Chief accountant

Balbenkova Tatiana
Shorshin Andrey


Shorshin Andrey
Balbenkova Tatiana

Chief Accountant

Balbenkova Tatiana
Igor Leonov

Logistics officer

Igor Leonov
Yulia Ilinskaya-Akulova

Project manager

Yulia Ilinskaya-Akulova
Svetlana Shumakova

Administrative assistant

Svetlana Shumakova
Kiseleva Elena

Deputy director of the Far-Eastern branch

Kiseleva Elena
Julia Eroshkina

Supporting projects manager

Julia Eroshkina
Kuznetsov Oleg

Infrastructure manager, the Far-Eastern Branch

Kuznetsov Oleg
Sokolov Sergey

Scientific project manager of the Far Eastern Branch

Sokolov Sergey
Mamonov Kirill

Senior Project Manager, Far East Branch

Mamonov Kirill
Dolin Andrey

Senior environmental projects manager in Khabarovsk Krai

Dolin Andrey
Konovalova Evgenia

Senior Project Manager, Far East Branch

Konovalova Evgenia
Sergei Lyudvig

Projects manager

Sergei Lyudvig
Chernyshova Irina

Senior Legal Consultant, Legal Department, Far East Branch

Chernyshova Irina
Shakhov Ivan

Expert, Khabarovsk Krai

Shakhov Ivan
Alexander Korneev

Human-tiger conflict resolution specialist

Alexander Korneev
Oleg Kabalik

Advisor to the Director of the Far Eastern Branch

Oleg Kabalik