At the regular meeting of the Amur Tiger Center’s Supervisory Council the action plan for 2014 was set out. It implies the fight against poaching; environmental education; interaction with the hunting and forest users; monitoring of the Amur tiger population; international cooperation.
In the coming year the most important thing will be the fight against poaching on the Amur tiger, its food resources and its habitats. It is necessary to create a foundation for an effective system of protection of fauna in the areal of the Amur tiger. A set of measures to stimulate citizens and employees of the service for the hunting supervision and protection of PAs to combat poaching should be carried out. Economic stimulation methods will be implied. A system of indicators of the service for the hunting supervision activities, protection of PAs and law enforcement agencies responsible for the Amur tiger protection, its habitat and food resources are to be created. It will provide public oversight of their activities and help to develop the necessary measures to improve the efficiency of their activities.
The ecological education of the population living in the areal of tigers is equally important. In this aspect The Amur Tiger Center will actively develop cooperation with the Federal University of Far East, Primorsky Academy of Agriculture, the All-Russia children's center «Okean», municipal schools and other educational institutions. Preservation of hoofed animals which are the Amur tiger’s fodder base, and increasing their population in protected natural areas of regional importance will be implemented through biotechnical activities (ex. installation of forage fields).
Assistance to authorized bodies of the Russian Federation subjects will be carried out in the Amur tiger’s areal. Organization of the Amur tiger monitoring in the whole area in 2014-2015 will be the subject of assistance. It will also include international cooperation - The Amur Tiger Center experts will be participating in international environmental conventions (CBD, CITES) in order to defend the interests of the Russian Federation on the preservation and usage of biological resources.