Amur Tiger Center and «Rossiya» airlines present «Tigerplane»

  • 09.09.2016
  • News
Amur Tiger Center and «Rossiya» airlines present «Tigerplane»

Boeing 747-400 (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) in a tigerish coloring was presented on September 9. The plane, to be exact to tell Tigerplane as it was christened by participants of the project, will rise into the sky for the purpose of attraction of broad public attention to business of preservation of population of rare species of wild animals.

The Amur tiger – the largest and most northern subspecies of a tiger. One of the most rare representatives of the cat family. Length of a body of this big cat together with a tail can reach 3,5 m, and the weight of 300 kg. By results of a census of 2015 in the Far East of Russia 523-540 Amur tigers live.

"In the wild nature the Amur tigers own the huge territory – up to 500 square kilometers at females and up to 1000 square kilometers at males. Establishing the laws and orders on the site which has attracted him, "the owner of a taiga" quite often disappears from a fixed look of experts of nature protection community in hard-to-reach spots or even, without recognizing frontiers, goes to other country. After a while he comes back, but it is possible to watch a tiger in such situations only in case of presence at him of a GPS collar, - the CEO of the Amur Tiger Center Yury Biryukov comments. – Having drawn an analogy between a live Amur tiger and the "tigerish plane" which is fallen in love by all, one may say, that Tigerplane just left to examine the territory. Now he has returned. Have returned matured, grown up and even more charismatic".

The widebody Boeing 747-400 (EI-XLD) liner is one of the biggest planes in the park of Russia. He has configuration 522 chairs – 12 chairs of a business class and 510 economic. The business class chairs located on the main deck of the aircraft have a kokonny design and are displayed in a horizontal bed (full flat). Also on the main deck 27 chairs of economy class settle down. On the lower deck completely economy class – 483 chairs. By plane the modern system of broadband Internet access and mobile communication is installed.

The plane with an original livery along the most demanded routes will fly to the cities of the Far East and the popular resort directions in Russia.

The Rossiya Airlines are included into the Aeroflot group. It is created on the basis of three regional carriers of group: Russia, Donavia and Orenburg Airlines. It based in St. Petersburg, has branches in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and Orenburg. Rossiya Airlines – one of the most favourite and popular brands of Petersburgers, the official carrier of F.C. Zenit which has issued one of the planes in a non-standard livery with symbolics of sports club.

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