The student group "Tiger", landscaping ecological paths in the Sikhote-Alin Reserve with the support of the Amur Tiger Center, began the reconstruction of the observation tower on the protected lake Blagodatnoe. It is from here that tourists will be able to see the unique diversity of birds and other animals that live on the lake and its surroundings.
“On the territory are registered in the reserve 390 species of birds. Many live here permanently, some settle on the breeding period. The lake is fertile is one of the main resting places for birds during spring and autumn migration. As soon as it is free of ice, here and flied birds. Since 1968, annual monitoring of migration of birds on the lake,” says Anna Mukhacheva, researcher of Sikhote-Alin reserve.- “Total identified 55 species of water birds of these families, as Gaviidae, Podicipedidae, Hydrobatidae, Phalacrocoracidae, Anatidae, Rallidae, Laridae and Alcidae. In addition to waterfowl, arrive here and wading birds - Charadriidae, Scolopacidae, Ardeidae. In the autumn, towards the end of October, when the oak trees are painted in bright orange color, the lake flying flock of whooper Swan, a scream letting you know that winter is not far off (in our case, not beyond the hills).”
It was with the improvement of the next tourist infrastructure object - an observation tower on Lake Blagodatnoe that the fourth week of the environmental watch of the student group “Tiger” began in the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. Earlier, one kilometer of the “Blagodatnoe Lake” eco-trail was laid out, 250 meters of wooden flooring were laid out and a special track area was set up, where they already left imprints of their paws and hooves of deer, badger and bear. On the observation tower, the students dismantled the old plastic lining, which is to be replaced with a wooden one and impregnated with a protective compound. The roof also requires repair, looking at which you involuntarily throw back your head from the ground - the height here is about 6-7 meters. It is clear to everyone that it is impossible to do without special training here.
“Today, students are trained to work at height, because they have to reconstruct one of the observation towers installed on Lake Blagodatnoe. To do this, we invited a professional who is engaged in industrial mountaineering. It will show the children some of the basics, well, then we will work more closely with those students who express a desire to do this,” explains Dmitry Gorshkov, director of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. “We have this tower used both to observe what is happening on the lake itself, birds can be seen from here, and to provide information for visitors about animals that can be seen on the trail and about some interesting facts.”
The master class, which unfolded right at the base of the tower, was conducted by Alexey Sazonov, an experienced professional alpinist from the speleoclub of Moscow State University, who arrived from Moscow. M. Lomonosov. He has 10 years of work at height. Alexey showed how to use equipment, put on a harness correctly, knit knots - the eight, bowline, Austrian conductor, lift yourself and the load, gain a foothold at height, move along the rope, do work and go back safely. All these techniques were explained, demonstrated and then repeated many times by students of the Tiger squad.
“I volunteered to work on the tower, because three years engaged in tourism,” - said Alexander Morozov, a third-year student of Novosibirsk state agrarian University, specialty hunting, the Siberian village Kyshtovka Novosibirsk region.- “We had orienteering in the woods, walking a tightrope with insurance at the height of 25-26 meters, knotting is the basic thing, for the minute time in 36 different knots to tie, so here, when he passed the briefing, all have been clear. There's more experience on roofs with insurance, we have great snow! Anyway I find it interesting, learn something new. Most importantly, observe safety instructions.”
In general, the scope of work in the reserve for 25 students of the Tiger detachment - future foresters, game managers, veterinarians - is very large, therefore 3-4 people will be selected for the reconstruction of the observation tower, who have shown themselves as good craftsmen in carpentry and having already some experience at height. The student’s environmental watch will last until the end of August.
The work of the student environmental unit "Tiger" is aimed at drawing attention to the problem of preserving wildlife in general and the Amur tiger in particular, developing the volunteer movement and ecotourism in the Far East, supporting the creation of infrastructure in national parks and reserves, and work in protected areas of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.
The project is carried out with the financial support of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM and the JSC TENEX.