A reward for information on a tiger’s murder was announced in Primorsky Krai

  • 02.12.2013
  • News
A reward for information on a tiger’s murder was announced in Primorsky Krai

Autonomous Non-commercial Organization The Amur Tiger Centre has offered a 300,000 rubles reward to anyone who has the reliable information about the Amur tiger’s murder in the Land of Leopard National Park in Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai.

Let us recall the circumstances of the incident happened on November 21 at 8 pm around the 89th km of the Razdolnoe - Khasan highway. A body of a tiger was found 70-100 meters away from the highway, behind a railing fence, on the territory the the Land of Leopard National Park. The offense was detected by state inspectors of Federal State Budgetary Institute «Land of the Leopard» when they were patrolling the territory. Forensic biological examination showed that the corpse belonged to a young male tiger in good physiological state with a good degree of fatness. The tiger died of blood loss caused by gunshot wounds. The injuries indicate that the tiger was killed deliberately and did not represent a threat to people.

«A reward for the information that can help solve a crime against the person is standard practice worldwide. And there are no prerequisites to assume that it will not be successful against wildlife crimes. There are not so many Amur tigers left to leave crimes against them unpunished, - says director of the Amur Tiger Centre’s Primorye branch Sergey Aramilev. - The investigation of poaching is a very difficult task. Animals are often killed in the forest, without witnesses, and clues disappear under the influence of the external environment. In this case, everything indicates that there were witnesses. And now the successful detection depends on the civic consciousness of the witnesses (or accomplices) and on the professionalism of the police».

The Amur Tiger Centre and the Department for the Protection, Control and Regulation of Wildlife Areas of Primorsky Krai emphasize that the applicant's privacy is assured.

If you have any information relating to this crime, please contact the department by phone 8 (423) 243-19-98, or the Primorsky Krai Directorate for Internal Affairs by phone 8 (423) 249-04-91.

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