For local communities

Inhabitants of
tiger range

Contacts of hunting supervision services
in the area of the Amur tiger


Use the form to let us let us know of a conflict situation involving the Amur tiger, illegal actions of inspectors, or cases of poaching, illegal keeping, buying up and selling of wild animals and  them  parts.

If you reporting an encounter or conflict situation involving the Amur tiger, then leave your contact details so you can be contacted for clarification of details. In all other cases, you can remain anonymous, but we please please provide as as much detail as so so we can understand the situation and take the necessary action.

Compensation program

The program for compensating the damage caused by the Amur tiger to agricultural and domestic animals of local residents was created in order to eliminate the desire of citizens to take revenge on the predator for the loss of animals.

Compensation program — non state. This is a voluntary initiative of the Amur Tiger Center, which is being implemented with the support of sponsoring organizations. The order, size and  limits of reimbursement are fixed by the internal documents of our organization, which do not require agreement with anyone. The damage to the owners is compensated regardless of who is to blame for the attack: the tiger or same animal that became its victim. However, losses are not compensated by money, only animals or food for them in commensurate with the losses incurred.

Recommendations for behavior in tiger habitats

The main thing you need to know, before familiarization with "recommendations" – a tiger will never attack a human for a good reason and always "thinks" before attacking. He does see man prey in so don attack attempt should not be confused with demonstration.

Tiger can be scared away with a flare, a flare, shots in the air, the sound of metal (by hitting a bowler hat or a bucket). He can be soothed with a confident, loud voice. You can get away from it without fussing and and turning your back on it. Going into the forest, you need to ensure yourself communication with other people, rescue services, and so further — this issue is resolved with the help of modern means of communication, which are vital in field conditions.