In Primorsky Krai boar vaccination against classical swine fever has been finished. Activities were conducted by hunting facilities with the support of the Amur Tiger Center. Events were carried out under the supervision of the Department of Hunting Supervision and Federeal Veterinary Inspection of Primorsky Krai.
In the past two years, due to the crops of pine nut and acorn, population of wild boar in most areas of the Primorsky Krai increased significantly. This positive dynamics could be interrupted this year due to lack of basic fattening feed. Boar has concentrated in some parts of the areal, which could lead to an outbreak of classical swine fever. The disease is not dangerous to human, but is detrimental to the wild boar (in separate groups fatality may reach 90%).
"Our goal is to have enough hunting resources for both usage by the public and normal existence of ecosystems. Protection of animals - this is our main goal, but it is equally important to work with hunting facilities to increase the number of hoofed animals.” – says Aleksey Surovyi, the Director of the Department of Hunting Supervision of Primorsky Krai.
Department of Hunting Supervision specialists in cooperation with experts from the Amur Tiger Center revealed areas with the highest concentration of wild boar. The greatest concentration of animals now are in places where a horsetail grows, in agricultural fields whith cereals and in places of artificial feeding. In total at least 1,000 individuals of the wild boar were vaccinated in Shkotovsky, Ussuriisky, Partizansky, Mikhailovsky, Anuchensky, Yakovlevsky and Chuguyevsky district of Primorsky Krai.
"In many regions of Primorsky Krai the wild boar is the basis of tiger’s ration, tiger even used to be called the boar shepherd. On average the tiger needs about 50 hoofed animals in the year and 35 of them are wild boars - says Sergey Aramilev, the director of the Primorsky branch of the Amur Tiger Center - Outbreaks of classical swine fever has always had a negative impact on the number of a wild boars, which affects the population of these rare cats. The absence of wild boar in forests forced some individuals of the Amur tiger to move in the area of settlements looking for food, in most cases it ended sadly. Hopefully the program for vaccination of the part of a wild boar population in the areas of its concentration will becomes constant and will include the active participation of the state and hunting facilities."